National Inclusive and Safer Schools Partnership (NISSP)
National Inclusive and Safer Schools Partnership
A joint national partnership to strengthen collective action for the institutionalization and multistakeholder-resourcing of school-based violence prevention programmes, by consolidating, co-resourcing, and implementing preventative approaches, led by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) supported by German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and various stakeholders from civil society, academia and other government departments. The Changemaker Network model is a whole-of-school community intervention supporting the National Inclusive and Safer Schools Partnership (NISSP) of the National Department of Basic Education
The NISSP strategy consists of six areas
The trained MCN Partners are supported and mentored to facilitate Learner Activation workshops, where Changemakers will be selected by their peers to represent their clas select their Changemakers, Once they have selected their changemakers, they will guide their learners and educators to receive various online and offline training provided by masifunde on various topics such as .....after the trained MCN partners have successfully completed the trainings with their Changemakers they will continue to support their learners to plan and implement their school campaigns
NISSP Toolbox
The NISSP Toolbox is a digital platform that links the whole-of-school community to available and effective interventions available within a particular geographical network of NISSP civil society partners.
The NISSP Fund is a resource mobilization and distribution model that supports the role of civil society organizations to access opportunities for capacity building and implementation resources available through NISSP.
NISSP Training
NISSP Districts Training facilitates the strengthening of the partnerships and capacities of District Coordinators’ and their local Civil Society Organizations to jointly implement available and effective interventions in schools.
NISSP masifunde Changemaker Network Is a learning and exchange platform for the joint implementation of the intervention in various school communities.
The NISSP M & E Framework
The NISSP M & E Framework is an evidence tool to track the impact of NISSP interventions by systematically capturing results, measuring impact and promoting the use of evidence methods in implementation.